What does The Theater Project mean to you?
Did it help your kid? Were you part of the Young People’s Theater? Did you work here? Did you take a class? Or did we make you smile, laugh, or cry one day when you really needed it? If we have had an effect on your life, and you believe our programming is important for future kids and adults to experience, please give generously. Every dollar counts – it really does and we appreciate it all!
Your donation allows us to to produce quality theater and teach and spread the joy of acting to children of all ages. Thank you for your support and loyalty. We know we could not do what we do without your gracious help.
Donate Your Time
Are you also interested in helping us in a hands - on way? We can always use help from volunteers. From ushering and house managing, to occasional theater clean ups and more, we'd love to hear talk to you about how you can be engaged at the theater.